You can self-published your book with help of self-publishing company by selecting a Publishing Package or create a customized package.Self-publishing companies do the best to help writers tell their stories to the world. Self-publishing assistance is done to your satisfaction, the manuscript will need to be professionally copy edited by a team of copy editors.In this process the content is make as clean as possible with regard to spelling, grammar, and word usage. This is not something that you, as the writer, can do. It takes a special eye, and a team of copy editors The next step is designing a memorable book cover, that will be something amazing, but also to make sure that it is exactly the cover that you want and represents you and your book. A book cover is part of your marketing strategy, so we take it as seriously as you do. It’s all about exposure, and a memorable book cover can draw attention to your book purely as a visual. Self-publishing assistance design 4-...